Volunteering for Surfing Competition!


Good morning, evening or night everyone. For legal reasons, I do wish I knew where you lived, and here is an image of me volunteering for the Surfing Competition

It isn't really anything special, just me and the volunteering crew. Pretty fun.

Now, up to this point, I haven't been volunteering like actually volunteering before. I'd always wanted to volunteer, but unfortunately I find it a bit difficult back when I was still an SPM student. Here's a bit of backstory. As I was yawning, I got a phone call. And who is it than my lovely friend that goes by the name of Q (of course, real name is hidden for a reason).

Q here is a great guy, I like him a lot as a person. He was like "bro, i need you to listen veerryyyy clearly," and so I listened very clearly. He gave me the details, and he mentioned that we would be able to live on the resort as like, pretty much a free vacation. I was skeptical but I trusted Q, he'd defo know more details than me.

Now, skipping some lots of details, we didn't get our personal accomodation. My uncle borrowed me a bag, and I couldn't say that I'm not actually staying there. Whatever, it's time to go to the resort.

When we reached the resort, man that place was really pretty. Like, alright it doesn't beat million dollar resorts, but regardless, the place looks REAL nice. Q and I had a walk around, and oopsie! So it turns out our third volunteer is here now. I was like, great! Let's go find her!

Let's skip more details, I am incredibly impatient. So, we went to the meetup area, and we wore our volunteering shirt and tags. I think it's not too late to mention that I have never went to a port-a-potty before, and I'm not gonna lie, I have a soft spot for porta-engineers now.

Our first task was just to stand around and keep watch. I believe at the time, we had to keep watch because kids occasionally came in close to the competition zone, and it was the kid's turn to surf first. Now, I didn't know how long surfing competitions were, but turns out they were INCREDIBLY LONG. Like, I was there at around 8 right? That shit continued on until later than 4pm. I wonder how they're doing now, since I'm writing right after they got done

Our second task, it was to distribute Rip Current brochures and how to steer clear of it. Now, I believed that Q and I did most the work there. We were the only ones who actually went up to people to distribute the papers. I wasn't too knowledgeable about rip currents, but Q was incredibly good at it. I was surprised, as expected as our likely contender for the next president of MFLS (Malaysian something leadership something). I haven't mentioned this, but I was an outsider in the volunteering group. Surprisingly, I warmed up to my mates, though I was an outsider not part of any cohorts, I'm still one of the volunteer. They were pretty nice as well! I was terrorising kids for the brochures (They were well-mannered).

Our then third task wasn't anything tough, it wasn't anything official as well. Basically, our coach just told us to watch the kids. Now, I was the main person who told the kids to be safe and stuff. Q did work at the very end of that one task too. Still, I wonder what the girls were doing the entire time. I mean, I do believe that they did do something outside of our views.

Now, the food was glorious. I'll keep it short. I love the beef cooking they had. It was genuinely so good. Like, I didn't know how much I loved cow meat until that day. I love the meat of cow so much, especially when cooked well. The chicken sandwich was heavenly as well! Not as good, but nevertheless quite good.

At that time, I went to the toilet so damn much because I drank so much water. There was quite a few times where Q and I went to the beach "dating", and around that time, he stepped on a twig or something, and a piece of wood was lodged into the skin of his feet. Ouch. When we went back there, I went to the toilet. When I was done making fertilizer, I noticed Q wasn't there, and every other volunteers heartily told me that he was at the paramedic people to get the splinter out.

As a good friend, of course I had to go there, laugh at him, take his phone and record him get the splinters out. After he was done, I'd go like "Aww, you've been a big boy today!" I found that, quite humourous. Then, his father called, ohoooooo.

In short, he's at the resort. So we packed up, and said goodbye to everyone. The coach mentioned that if I wanted to join more activities, I'd be more than welcome to! Which is great actually.

Now, that's not all. There's still tomorrow left to go, and I hope I capture enough footage to record a YouTube video. Overall, I was a wee disappointed at the fact that we didn't have accomodation, but my trait of always saying yes to special activities to make memories has again, paid off. Das all, goodbye and go kill yourself.